Westgate Resorts Customer Services

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(407) 351-3351

Customer Service

(407) 355-2690

Toll Free

(888) 852-2959


5601 Windhover Dr. Orlando, FL 32819

About Westgate Resorts

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Westgate Resorts is a U.S. timeshare resort company that was founded by David A. Siegel in 1982. The company started out in Central Florida, but later expanded to other areas, such as Miami and Daytona Beach. As of July, Westgate Resorts can be found in 29 locations across the United States.






$1.2 billion


Lodging & Resorts, Timeshare, Hospitality, Vacation Ownerships, Hospitality & Resorts, Hotels


westgatereservati..., westgatedestinati..., westgatecruiseand..., intervalworld.com, gc.synxis.com


70, 704


99, 7211

The Westgate Resorts headquarters are located at 5601 Windhover Dr. Orlando, FL 32819.

Westgate Resorts has 8519 employees.

Competitors of Westgate Resorts include westgatereservati..., westgatedestinati..., westgatecruiseand..., intervalworld.com, gc.synxis.com.

David Siegel is the Chief Executive Officer for Westgate Resorts. You can contact the CEO by writing to Westgate Resorts, 5601 Windhover Dr. Orlando, FL 32819.

The SIC code for Westgate Resorts is 70, 704.

The NAICS code for Westgate Resorts is 99, 7211.

Westgate Resorts

Get That Email is not affiliated to, linked with or endorsed by Westgate Resorts. Company names & logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and are used for information purposes.

Executive Contacts

Brian Waltrip Vice President Westgate Resorts 5601 Windhover Dr. Orlando, FL 32819

Tom Sparks Senior Vice President Westgate Resorts 5601 Windhover Dr. Orlando, FL 32819

Jim Gissy Executive Vice President Westgate Resorts 5601 Windhover Dr. Orlando, FL 32819

David Siegel Founder, CEO & President Westgate Resorts 5601 Windhover Dr. Orlando, FL 32819

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