USPS Customer Services

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+1 800-275-8777


475 L'enfant Plz SW, Washington, District of Columbia 20260, US

About USPS

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The United States Postal Service (USPS) is the official postal service provider in the United States. Established in 1775, it operates as an independent agency of the federal government, providing postal services to residents and businesses across the country. The USPS is responsible for the collection, processing, and delivery of mail and packages, serving as a vital link for communication and commerce.
With a vast network of post offices and processing facilities, USPS offers a range of mailing and shipping options, including first-class mail, priority mail, and parcel post. The organization plays a crucial role in connecting people and facilitating the exchange of goods and information throughout the United States. Despite facing challenges in the digital age, USPS remains an essential and reliable service for individuals and businesses in the country.






$78.5 billion


Government Administration, Freight & Logistics Services, Transportation, Logistics, Packaging, Advertising


United Parcel Service (UPS), FedEx Corporation, DHL Express, Amazon Logistics, OnTrac, Regional and local courier services.




49111, 49, 9211, 921, 92, 4911, 491110, 491

The USPS headquarters are located at 475 L'enfant Plz SW, Washington, District of Columbia 20260, US.

USPS has 1,30,804 employees.

Competitors of USPS include United Parcel Service (UPS), FedEx Corporation, DHL Express, Amazon Logistics, OnTrac, Regional and local courier services..

Pam Murtha is the Chief Executive Officer for USPS. You can contact the CEO by writing to USPS, 475 L'enfant Plz SW, Washington, District of Columbia 20260, US.

The SIC code for USPS is 43,431.

The NAICS code for USPS is 49111, 49, 9211, 921, 92, 4911, 491110, 491.


Get That Email is not affiliated to, linked with or endorsed by USPS. Company names & logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and are used for information purposes.

Executive Contacts

Joshua Colin EVP & Chief Retail & Delivery Officer USPS 475 L'enfant Plz SW, Washington, District of Columbia 20260, US

Steven Monteith Chief Customer & Marketing Officer & EVP USPS 475 L'enfant Plz SW, Washington, District of Columbia 20260, US

Pam Murtha CEO USPS 475 L'enfant Plz SW, Washington, District of Columbia 20260, US

Social Contacts

LinkedIn USPS



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