US Bancorp Customer Services

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Customer Service

(800) 872-2657

Toll Free

(800) 872-2657


(503) 401-9991


800 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, MN 55402

About US Bancorp

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U.S. Bancorp is an American bank holding company based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and incorporated in Delaware. It is the parent company of U.S. Bank National Association, and is the fifth largest banking institution in the United States.

The company provides banking, investment, mortgage, trust, and payment services products to individuals, businesses, governmental entities, and other financial institutions. It has 3,106 branches and 4,842 automated teller machines, primarily in the Western and Midwestern United States.

It is ranked 117th on the Fortune 500, and it is considered a systemically important bank by the Financial Stability Board. The company also owns Elavon, a processor of credit card transactions for merchants, and Elan Financial Services, a credit card issuer that issues credit card products on behalf of small credit unions and banks across the U.S.






$27.32 billion




Banking, Financial Services, Finance, Investment Banking, Lending and Investments, Payments, Insurance, Wealth Management, Loans, Deposits, Mortgage, Home Equity


60, 603


5221, 7224

The US Bancorp headquarters are located at 800 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, MN 55402.

US Bancorp has 67641 employees.

Andrew Cecere is the Chief Executive Officer for US Bancorp. You can contact the CEO by writing to US Bancorp, 800 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, MN 55402.

The SIC code for US Bancorp is 60, 603.

The NAICS code for US Bancorp is 5221, 7224.

US Bancorp

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Executive Contacts

Teri Charest Vice President, Corporate Communications US Bancorp 800 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, MN 55402

Mike Shepard Senior Vice President - Consumer & Business Lending Products US Bancorp 800 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, MN 55402

Timothy A. Welsh Vice Chairman, Consumer Banking Sales and Support US Bancorp 800 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, MN 55402

Andrew Cecere President and Chief Executive Officer US Bancorp 800 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, MN 55402

Social Contacts

LinkedIn US Bancorp


FacebookUS Bancorp



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