UC Berkeley Customer Services

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+1 510-642-6000


101 Sproul Hall, Berkeley, California 94720, US

About UC Berkeley

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The University of California, Berkeley, commonly known as UC Berkeley, is a prestigious public research university located in Berkeley, California. Established in 1868, it is one of the oldest and most renowned institutions in the University of California system.






$2.1 B


Higher Education, Education, Colleges & Universities, Continuing Education, University Education, Universities


Stanford University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Harvard University, California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Princeton University, Yale University, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, University of Cambridge (UK), University of Oxford (UK).


82, 8221


8132, 6113

The UC Berkeley headquarters are located at 101 Sproul Hall, Berkeley, California 94720, US.

UC Berkeley has 21,672 employees.

Competitors of UC Berkeley include Stanford University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Harvard University, California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Princeton University, Yale University, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, University of Cambridge (UK), University of Oxford (UK)..

Carol Christ is the Chief Executive Officer for UC Berkeley. You can contact the CEO by writing to UC Berkeley, 101 Sproul Hall, Berkeley, California 94720, US.

The SIC code for UC Berkeley is 82, 8221.

The NAICS code for UC Berkeley is 8132, 6113.

UC Berkeley

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Executive Contacts

Marc Fisher Vice Chancellor, Administration UC Berkeley 101 Sproul Hall, Berkeley, California 94720, US

Julie Hooper Vice Chancellor, University Development and Alumni Relations UC Berkeley 101 Sproul Hall, Berkeley, California 94720, US

Carol Christ Chancellor UC Berkeley 101 Sproul Hall, Berkeley, California 94720, US

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