Toshiba America Customer Services

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(212) 596-0600


1251 Avenue of the Americas Suite 4110New York, NY 10020

About Toshiba America

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Toshiba is a Japanese multinational conglomerate corporation headquartered in Tokyo. It produces a wide range of products and services including power, industrial and social infrastructure systems, electronic components, semiconductors, printers, batteries, lighting, and IT solutions. One of its IT solutions, quantum cryptography, is being developed at the Toshiba Europe Research Laboratory in the UK.

Toshiba was one of the largest manufacturers of personal computers, consumer electronics, home appliances, and medical equipment. As a semiconductor company and the inventor of flash memory, Toshiba was one of the top 10 in the chip industry until its flash memory unit was spun off as Toshiba Memory, later Kioxia, in the late 2010s.






$1.79 billion


Electronics, Computers, Parts and Peripherals, Diversified manufacturer and marketer of avanced electronic and , Manufacturing


369, 3699


33, 3359

The Toshiba America headquarters are located at 1251 Avenue of the Americas Suite 4110New York, NY 10020.

Toshiba America has 1500 employees.

Larry White is the Chief Executive Officer for Toshiba America. You can contact the CEO by writing to Toshiba America, 1251 Avenue of the Americas Suite 4110New York, NY 10020.

The SIC code for Toshiba America is 369, 3699.

The NAICS code for Toshiba America is 33, 3359.

Toshiba America

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Executive Contacts

Mike Daniel Director, Customer Care Toshiba America 1251 Avenue of the AmericasSuite 4110New York, NY 10020

Holly Yanish Vice President of Operations and Customer Support Services Toshiba America 1251 Avenue of the AmericasSuite 4110New York, NY 10020

Larry White President & Chief Executive Officer Toshiba Global Commerce Solutions Toshiba America 1251 Avenue of the AmericasSuite 4110New York, NY 10020

Social Contacts


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