Smoothie King Customer Services

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+1 (504) 587-3822

Customer Service

+1(504) 558-6260



9797 Rombauer Rd Suite 150, Coppell, Texas 75019, US

About Smoothie King

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Smoothie King is an American franchise chain of smoothie bars that specializes in providing a variety of blended fruit-based beverages. Founded in 1973, the company has grown to become one of the leading smoothie brands in the United States, with numerous locations across the country and internationally.






$49.3 M


Restaurants, Hospitality


Jamba , Tropical Smoothie Cafe, Robeks Fresh Juices & Smoothies, Juice It Up!, Planet Smoothie, Nekter Juice Bar, Freshii (offering smoothies as part of their menu).


58, 581


722515, 44

The Smoothie King headquarters are located at 9797 Rombauer Rd Suite 150, Coppell, Texas 75019, US.

Smoothie King has 3,801 employees.

Competitors of Smoothie King include Jamba , Tropical Smoothie Cafe, Robeks Fresh Juices & Smoothies, Juice It Up!, Planet Smoothie, Nekter Juice Bar, Freshii (offering smoothies as part of their menu)..

Wan Kim is the Chief Executive Officer for Smoothie King. You can contact the CEO by writing to Smoothie King, 9797 Rombauer Rd Suite 150, Coppell, Texas 75019, US.

The SIC code for Smoothie King is 58, 581.

The NAICS code for Smoothie King is 722515, 44.

Smoothie King

Get That Email is not affiliated to, linked with or endorsed by Smoothie King. Company names & logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and are used for information purposes.

Executive Contacts

Camille Hymes Chief Operations Officer Smoothie King 9797 Rombauer Rd Suite 150, Coppell, Texas 75019, US

Juan Salas Chief Information Officer Smoothie King 9797 Rombauer Rd Suite 150, Coppell, Texas 75019, US

Wan Kim Chairman & CEO Smoothie King 9797 Rombauer Rd Suite 150, Coppell, Texas 75019, US

Social Contacts


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