Contact Sarah Personette

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Full Name

Sarah Personette

Phone Number

(415) 222-9670

Job Role

Chief Customer Officer at Twitter


1355 Market Street Suite 900 San Francisco, CA 94103

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Sarah Personette

Chief Customer Officer


Get That Email is not affiliated to, linked with or endorsed by Twitter or Sarah Personette. Company names & logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and are used for information purposes.

Twitter Executives

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Twitter is a social networking and microblogging platform that was launched in 2006. It is one of the most popular websites in the world, with over 100 million users posting 340 million tweets per day. It is based in San Francisco, California and has offices all over the world. Twitter has been described as "the SMS of the Internet" because of its widespread use and popularity.

Nuria Iturrios Manager1355 Market Street Suite 900 San Francisco, CA 94103

Leslie Berland Chief Marketing Officer1355 Market Street Suite 900 San Francisco, CA 94103

Jack Dorsey CEO1355 Market Street Suite 900 San Francisco, CA 94103

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Sarah Personette

Chief Customer Officer


Get That Email is not affiliated to, linked with or endorsed by Twitter or Sarah Personette. Company names & logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and are used for information purposes.

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