Rogue Fitness Customer Services

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+1 614-358-6190


1011 Cleveland Ave. Columbus, OH 43201,US

About Rogue Fitness

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Rogue Fitness is an American company that specializes in manufacturing and distributing high-quality fitness equipment and apparel. Founded in 2006, the company has become a prominent name in the fitness industry, catering to athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and gyms worldwide. Rogue Fitness is known for its durable and innovative products, including barbells, weight plates, kettlebells, power racks, and other strength training equipment. Additionally, they offer a range of athletic wear and accessories. The company’s commitment to quality, functionality, and customer satisfaction has made it a trusted brand among fitness professionals and individuals seeking top-notch equipment for their training needs.






$162.00 M


Retail, Sporting Goods, Strength and Conditioning Equipment, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing


Titan Fitness, Rep Fitness, Eleiko, Again Faster, American Barbell, FringeSport, Eleiko, Force USA, X Training Equipment


39, 394


33, 33992

The Rogue Fitness headquarters are located at 1011 Cleveland Ave. Columbus, OH 43201,US.

Rogue Fitness has 1,400 employees.

Competitors of Rogue Fitness include Titan Fitness, Rep Fitness, Eleiko, Again Faster, American Barbell, FringeSport, Eleiko, Force USA, X Training Equipment.

Bill Henniger is the Chief Executive Officer for Rogue Fitness. You can contact the CEO by writing to Rogue Fitness, 1011 Cleveland Ave. Columbus, OH 43201,US.

The SIC code for Rogue Fitness is 39, 394.

The NAICS code for Rogue Fitness is 33, 33992.

Rogue Fitness

Get That Email is not affiliated to, linked with or endorsed by Rogue Fitness. Company names & logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and are used for information purposes.

Executive Contacts

Caity Matter Henniger Chief Sales Officer Rogue Fitness 1011 Cleveland Ave. Columbus, OH 43201,US

Ahmik Jones Director, Product Development Rogue Fitness 1011 Cleveland Ave. Columbus, OH 43201,US

Bill Henniger Founder Rogue Fitness 1011 Cleveland Ave. Columbus, OH 43201,US

Social Contacts

LinkedIn Rogue Fitness


FacebookRogue Fitness



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