Northern Trust Customer Services

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+1 800.388.5316

Customer Service

+1 312 630 6000


50 South Lasalle in Chicago, Illinois,US

About Northern Trust

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Northern Trust Corporation is a leading financial services company based in Chicago, Illinois. Founded in 1889, the company provides a wide range of banking, wealth management, asset servicing, and investment solutions to institutions, corporations, and high-net-worth individuals worldwide. Northern Trust is known for its strong commitment to client service, financial expertise, and long-standing reputation as a trusted custodian and asset manager.






$6.78 B




Financial Services, Investment Banking, Banking, Investment Management, Finance, Asset and Fund Administration, Lending and Investments, Fiduciary and Banking solutions, Wealth Management


State Street Corporation, The Bank of New York Mellon (BNY Mellon), J.P. Morgan Asset Management, BlackRock, Vanguard Group, Fidelity Investments, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley.


62, 628


52393, 5231

The Northern Trust headquarters are located at 50 South Lasalle in Chicago, Illinois,US.

Northern Trust has 23,000 employees.

Competitors of Northern Trust include State Street Corporation, The Bank of New York Mellon (BNY Mellon), J.P. Morgan Asset Management, BlackRock, Vanguard Group, Fidelity Investments, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley..

Michael G. O'Grady is the Chief Executive Officer for Northern Trust. You can contact the CEO by writing to Northern Trust, 50 South Lasalle in Chicago, Illinois,US.

The SIC code for Northern Trust is 62, 628.

The NAICS code for Northern Trust is 52393, 5231.

Northern Trust

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Executive Contacts

Thomas A. South Executive Vice President and Chief Information Officer Northern Trust 50 South Lasalle in Chicago, Illinois,US

Jason Tyler EVP and CFO Northern Trust 50 South Lasalle in Chicago, Illinois,US

Michael G. O'Grady President & CEO Northern Trust 50 South Lasalle in Chicago, Illinois,US

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