Mattresses by Serta Customer Services

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(847) 645-0200

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(888 )557-3782

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(800) 906-4240


2600 Forbs Avenue Hoffman Estates, IL 60192

About Mattresses by Serta

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The Hoffman Estates, Illinois-based Serta is an American business that specializes in creating and producing mattresses. 13 mattress manufacturers who had obtained licenses to use the Serta name created Sleeper, Inc. in Illinois in 1931; eight separate licensees who later operated as a cooperative owned the business. After that, its largest licensee, National Bedding Company, took control of it and began running it as Serta International (which ultimately held 27 of the 34 U.S. Serta manufacturing licenses).

The American business Serta International is a division of Doraville, Georgia-based Serta Simmons Bedding, LLC. Serta Dormae in Texas, Serta Restokraft in Michigan, and Salt Lake Mattress in Utah are a few additional licensees.






$1.65 billion


Furniture, Manufacturing, Retail


Silentnight Group, European House Of Beds, FA Colchoes, Gani





The Mattresses by Serta headquarters are located at 2600 Forbs Avenue Hoffman Estates, IL 60192.

Mattresses by Serta has 2,100 employees.

Competitors of Mattresses by Serta include Silentnight Group, European House Of Beds, FA Colchoes, Gani.

Shelley Huff is the Chief Executive Officer for Mattresses by Serta. You can contact the CEO by writing to Mattresses by Serta, 2600 Forbs Avenue Hoffman Estates, IL 60192.

The SIC code for Mattresses by Serta is 25,2515.

The NAICS code for Mattresses by Serta is 33,44.

Mattresses by Serta

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Executive Contacts

Shelley Huff CEO Mattresses by Serta 2600 Forbs Avenue Hoffman Estates, IL 60192

Charles Gilroy Marketing Executive Mattresses by Serta 2600 Forbs Avenue Hoffman Estates, IL 60192

Steve Sterling Vice President, Sales & Marketing Mattresses by Serta 2600 Forbs Avenue Hoffman Estates, IL 60192

Guillaume Bages Country Director Mattresses by Serta 2600 Forbs Avenue Hoffman Estates, IL 60192

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