Contact Logan Green

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Full Name

Logan Green

Phone Number

(844) 250-2773

Job Role

Co-founder & CEO at Lyft


185 Berry StreetSUITE 5000San Francisco, CA 94107

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Logan Green

Co-founder & CEO


Get That Email is not affiliated to, linked with or endorsed by Lyft or Logan Green. Company names & logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and are used for information purposes.

Lyft Executives

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Lyft helps many with various transportation needs. Whether you’re in a hurry, live in an out-of-the-way area, or have to travel with people or cargo that doesn’t fit in your car, Lyft makes it easy for drivers to get passengers and passengers to save money and enjoy their ride. Lyft now operates in over 200 U.S. cities, including San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York City.

Taylor Teas Director, Customer Cares185 Berry StreetSUITE 5000San Francisco, CA 94107

Eric Burdullis Vice President Customer Experience & Trust185 Berry StreetSUITE 5000San Francisco, CA 94107

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Logan Green

Co-founder & CEO


Get That Email is not affiliated to, linked with or endorsed by Lyft or Logan Green. Company names & logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and are used for information purposes.

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We encourage you to email any complaints directly to Lyft. Only email Logan Green if you have been unable to resolve your complaint through the usual support channels.

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