Koch Enterprises Customer Services

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14 S 11th Ave, Evansville, Indiana, 47712, United States

About Koch Enterprises

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Koch Industries is a large, privately held multinational corporation based in the United States. Founded in 1940, the company has diverse business interests in sectors such as energy, chemicals, manufacturing, trading, and investments. Koch Industries operates globally and is known for its market-based approach, commitment to innovation, and responsible business practices.

The company is involved in activities such as refining and marketing petroleum products, chemicals production and distribution, manufacturing equipment and components, operating pipelines, and commodities trading. The Koch family, which owns the majority of the company, has been involved in political and philanthropic activities, supporting causes related to education, research, and public policy.

Koch Industries is a major player in the business world with a significant global presence and contributions to various sectors of the economy.






$125 B


Motor Vehicle Manufacturing, Computer, Consumer Electronics, Hardware, Electronics, Manufacturing


Cargill, Glencore, Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), Trafigura, Mercuria Energy Group,Dow Chemical Company, BASF SE, DuPont, LyondellBasell Industrie





The Koch Enterprises headquarters are located at 14 S 11th Ave, Evansville, Indiana, 47712, United States.

Koch Enterprises has 100,000 employees.

Competitors of Koch Enterprises include Cargill, Glencore, Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), Trafigura, Mercuria Energy Group,Dow Chemical Company, BASF SE, DuPont, LyondellBasell Industrie.

Kevin R. Koch is the Chief Executive Officer for Koch Enterprises. You can contact the CEO by writing to Koch Enterprises, 14 S 11th Ave, Evansville, Indiana, 47712, United States.

The SIC code for Koch Enterprises is 6719.

The NAICS code for Koch Enterprises is 551112.

Koch Enterprises

Get That Email is not affiliated to, linked with or endorsed by Koch Enterprises. Company names & logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and are used for information purposes.

Executive Contacts

Susan E. Parsons CFO, Secretary & Treasurer Koch Enterprises 14 S 11th Ave, Evansville, Indiana, 47712, United States

Kevin R. Koch President & CEO Koch Enterprises 14 S 11th Ave, Evansville, Indiana, 47712, United States

Social Contacts

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