KFC Customer Services

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Customer Service



1441 Gardiner Ln, Louisville, KY 40213, United States

About KFC

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KFC, short for Kentucky Fried Chicken, is a globally recognized fast-food chain known for its flavorful fried chicken. Founded by Colonel Harland Sanders in 1952, KFC offers a variety of chicken-based products and side dishes.

The company’s branding and iconic Colonel Sanders logo are widely recognized. With a global network of restaurants, KFC serves millions of customers daily through dine-in, quick-service, and drive-thru options. KFC has expanded its menu to include vegetarian and healthier alternatives, while also engaging in community and social initiatives.

Known for its distinct flavor and convenience, KFC remains a popular choice in the fast-food industry.






$27.9 B


Restaurants, Hospitality


McDonald's, Burger King, Chick-fil-A, Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen, Wendy's, Taco Bell, Subway, Domino's Pizza, Pizza Hut


58, 581


722513, 722

The KFC headquarters are located at 1441 Gardiner Ln, Louisville, KY 40213, United States.

KFC has 820,000 employees.

Competitors of KFC include McDonald's, Burger King, Chick-fil-A, Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen, Wendy's, Taco Bell, Subway, Domino's Pizza, Pizza Hut.

Sabir Sami is the Chief Executive Officer for KFC. You can contact the CEO by writing to KFC, 1441 Gardiner Ln, Louisville, KY 40213, United States.

The SIC code for KFC is 58, 581.

The NAICS code for KFC is 722513, 722.


Get That Email is not affiliated to, linked with or endorsed by KFC. Company names & logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and are used for information purposes.

Executive Contacts

Rob Swain COO KFC 1441 Gardiner Ln, Louisville, KY 40213, United States

Dyke Shipp Global President KFC 1441 Gardiner Ln, Louisville, KY 40213, United States

Sabir Sami CEO KFC 1441 Gardiner Ln, Louisville, KY 40213, United States

Social Contacts

LinkedIn KFC




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