Hansons Windows and Siding Customer Services

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Customer Service

248-581-3030 Ext. 4500.

Toll Free



400 Empire Way Lansing, MI 48917

About Hansons Windows and Siding

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Hanson’s is a home improvement company with over 400 employees and branches in Michigan, Ohio, Colorado, Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota. They install windows, roofing, gutters and siding.






$24 million


Manufacturing, Windows, Building Materials, Roofing, Miscellaneous Building Materials (Flooring, Cabinets, Etc.), Vinyl Siding, Patio Doors, Insulation, Gutter Guards


majicwindow.com, wallsidewindows.com, localrooferquotes..., mastershield.com, misterfix-it.com


23, 23816

The Hansons Windows and Siding headquarters are located at 400 Empire Way Lansing, MI 48917.

Hansons Windows and Siding has 96 employees.

Competitors of Hansons Windows and Siding include majicwindow.com, wallsidewindows.com, localrooferquotes..., mastershield.com, misterfix-it.com.

Brian Elias is the Chief Executive Officer for Hansons Windows and Siding. You can contact the CEO by writing to Hansons Windows and Siding, 400 Empire Way Lansing, MI 48917.

The NAICS code for Hansons Windows and Siding is 23, 23816.

Hansons Windows and Siding

Get That Email is not affiliated to, linked with or endorsed by Hansons Windows and Siding. Company names & logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and are used for information purposes.

Executive Contacts

Paula Lybeck Director of Operations Hansons Windows and Siding 400 Empire WayLansing, MI 48917

Donald Rudick Finance Director Hansons Windows and Siding 400 Empire WayLansing, MI 48917

Brian Elias CEO and Founder Hansons Windows and Siding 400 Empire WayLansing, MI 48917

Social Contacts


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