DTE Energy Customer Services

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+1 800-477-4747


Detroit, Michigan, MI 48226, United States, US

About DTE Energy

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DTE Energy is a diversified energy company based in Detroit, Michigan, United States. It is one of the largest utility companies in the country, serving over 3.7 million electric and gas customers in Michigan.

DTE Energy operates through its two primary business segments: Electric and Gas. The Electric segment generates, purchases, distributes, and sells electricity to residential, commercial, and industrial customers. It operates a diverse portfolio of power plants, including natural gas, coal, nuclear, and renewable energy sources.

The Gas segment engages in the storage, transmission, and distribution of natural gas to customers. DTE Energy’s gas utility serves both residential and commercial customers, providing them with reliable and safe natural gas supply.

In addition to its core electric and gas operations, DTE Energy has a growing presence in renewable energy. The company is committed to increasing its use of clean energy sources and reducing its environmental impact. DTE Energy has invested in wind and solar projects, aiming to expand its renewable energy portfolio and support a sustainable energy future.

DTE Energy also provides energy-related services, including energy management and consultation for commercial and industrial customers. The company offers energy efficiency programs, demand response initiatives, and other solutions to help customers optimize their energy usage and reduce costs.

As a responsible corporate citizen, DTE Energy is engaged in various community and philanthropic initiatives. The company supports education, economic development, environmental stewardship, and other social causes in the communities it serves.

DTE Energy operates with a focus on safety, reliability, and customer satisfaction. The company invests in infrastructure upgrades, grid modernization, and technology advancements to ensure the delivery of reliable energy services to its customers.

Please note that the description provided is based on general knowledge and may not include the latest developments or updates regarding DTE Energy.






$12.2 B




Electric Utilities, Utilities, Electricity, Oil & Gas, Gas Utilities, Energy Efficiency, Gas Distribution and Storage, Energy, Utilities & Waste Treatment, Energy, Continuous Improvement, Sustainability, Unconventional Gas, Industrial, Nuclear Generation, Oil and Gas, Merchant Operations, Natural Resources, Biomass Generation, Six Sigma Blackbelt, Fossil or Coal Generation, Power Generation, Energy Trading, Mid-Stream Gas


Consumers Energy, CMS Energy, Ameren Corporation, NextEra Energy, Dominion Energy, Exelon Corporation, Duke Energy, FirstEnergy Corp, Entergy Corporation, and Xcel Energy.


49, 493


22, 55

The DTE Energy headquarters are located at Detroit, Michigan, MI 48226, United States, US.

DTE Energy has 10,250 employees.

Competitors of DTE Energy include Consumers Energy, CMS Energy, Ameren Corporation, NextEra Energy, Dominion Energy, Exelon Corporation, Duke Energy, FirstEnergy Corp, Entergy Corporation, and Xcel Energy..

Jerry Norcia

is the Chief Executive Officer for DTE Energy. You can contact the CEO by writing to DTE Energy, Detroit, Michigan, MI 48226, United States, US.

The SIC code for DTE Energy is 49, 493.

The NAICS code for DTE Energy is 22, 55.

DTE Energy

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Executive Contacts

Mark Stiers President DTE Vantage & Energy Trading DTE Energy Detroit, Michigan, MI 48226, United States, US

Joi Harris President & Chief Operating Officer, DTE Gas DTE Energy Detroit, Michigan, MI 48226, United States, US

Social Contacts

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