Cathay Pacific Customer Services

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852 2747-3333

Customer Service

(800) 233-2742


800 2747 3333


6th Floor Cathay Pacific City 8 Scenic Roar Hong Kong International Airport Lantau, Hong Kong

About Cathay Pacific

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As the largest airline of Hong Kong, Cathay Pacific has its head office and primary hub located at Hong Kong International Airport.






$9.08 billion




Hospitality, Airlines, Airports & Air Services, Aerospace, Transportation, Science and Engineering, Leisure, Community and Lifestyle, Travel, Travel and Tourism


45, 451


56, 48811

The Cathay Pacific headquarters are located at 6th Floor Cathay Pacific City 8 Scenic Roar Hong Kong International Airport Lantau, Hong Kong.

Cathay Pacific has 11,096 employees.

Rupert Hogg is the Chief Executive Officer for Cathay Pacific. You can contact the CEO by writing to Cathay Pacific, 6th Floor Cathay Pacific City 8 Scenic Roar Hong Kong International Airport Lantau, Hong Kong.

The SIC code for Cathay Pacific is 45, 451.

The NAICS code for Cathay Pacific is 56, 48811.

Cathay Pacific

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Executive Contacts

Mary Christine Donovan Customer Relations Manager Cathay Pacific 6th Floor Cathay Pacific City 8 Scenic Roar Hong Kong International Airport Lantau, Hong Kong

Simon Large Director Customer Cathay Pacific 6th Floor Cathay Pacific City 8 Scenic Roar Hong Kong International Airport Lantau, Hong Kong

Paul Loo Chief Customer and Commercial Officer Cathay Pacific 6th Floor Cathay Pacific City 8 Scenic Roar Hong Kong International Airport Lantau, Hong Kong

Rupert Hogg CEO Cathay Pacific 6th Floor Cathay Pacific City 8 Scenic Roar Hong Kong International Airport Lantau, Hong Kong

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