Barclaycard US Customer Services

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(302) 622-8990

Customer Service

(877) 523-0478


125 S. West St. Wilmington, DE 19801-5014

About Barclaycard US

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Barclaycard, part of Barclays Retail and Business Banking division, is a distinguished global payment business that aids consumers, retailers and businesses to pay and receive payments with ease, and to obtain short-term credit when required. Barclaycard US provides credit cards to both business and personal customers based in the United States.






$211 million


Credit Cards & Transaction Processing, Banking, Credit Cards, Finance, Financial Services, e-commerce, Lending and Investments, Payments, Mobile Payments, Contactless, Retail, Credit, Sales Finance


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The Barclaycard US headquarters are located at 125 S. West St. Wilmington, DE 19801-5014.

Barclaycard US has 4773 employees.

Competitors of Barclaycard US include barclaycard login, barclaycard, barclay card login, barclaycardus, barclays credit card login.

Denny Nealon is the Chief Executive Officer for Barclaycard US. You can contact the CEO by writing to Barclaycard US, 125 S. West St. Wilmington, DE 19801-5014.

Barclaycard US

Get That Email is not affiliated to, linked with or endorsed by Barclaycard US. Company names & logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and are used for information purposes.

Executive Contacts

Shannon Lehner Assistant to CEO Barclaycard US 125 S. West St.Wilmington, DE 19801-5014

Kirsty Aird Leadership and Management Apprentice Barclaycard US 125 S. West St.Wilmington, DE 19801-5014

Scott Miller Director of Customer Service Barclaycard US 125 S. West St.Wilmington, DE 19801-5014

Denny Nealon CEO Barclaycard US 125 S. West St.Wilmington, DE 19801-5014

Social Contacts

LinkedIn Barclaycard US

FacebookBarclaycard US



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