3M Company Customer Services

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+1 888-364-3577

Customer Service

+1 651-733-1110


2501 Hudson Rd, Maplewood, MN 55144, United States

About 3M Company

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3M, originally known as the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company, is an American multinational conglomerate that was founded on June 13, 1902. The company operates in the fields of industry, worker safety, healthcare, and consumer goods. With its headquarters in Maplewood, Minnesota, 3M serves customers worldwide under the leadership of Mike Roman, who serves as the Chairman, President, and CEO as of 2022.

The company produces over 60,000 products under several brands, including but not limited to adhesives, abrasives, laminates, passive fire protection, personal protective equipment, window films, paint protection films, dental and orthodontic products, electrical and electronic connecting and insulating materials, medical products, car-care products, electronic circuits, healthcare software, and optical films.

As of 2022, 3M reported a revenue of approximately $34.22 billion, an operating income of around $6.54 billion, and a net income of about $5.79 billion. The company’s total assets were valued at roughly $46.46 billion with total equity amounting to nearly $14.72 billion. The company employs approximately 92,000 individuals.










Industrial Machinery Manufacturing, Consumer Goods, Automotive, Innovation, Toys & Games, Transportation, Collaboration, Manufacturing, Electronics, Global, Diverse Career Opportunities, Consumer Electronics, Hardware, Enterprise Software, Software


Honeywell International Inc., DuPont, Johnson & Johnson, Kimberly-Clark Corporation, General Electric, Avery Dennison.


39, 395


322222, 327910

The 3M Company headquarters are located at 2501 Hudson Rd, Maplewood, MN 55144, United States.

3M Company has 93,516 employees.

Competitors of 3M Company include Honeywell International Inc., DuPont, Johnson & Johnson, Kimberly-Clark Corporation, General Electric, Avery Dennison..

Michael F. Roman is the Chief Executive Officer for 3M Company. You can contact the CEO by writing to 3M Company, 2501 Hudson Rd, Maplewood, MN 55144, United States.

The SIC code for 3M Company is 39, 395.

The NAICS code for 3M Company is 322222, 327910.

3M Company

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Executive Contacts

Michael F. Roman Chairman & CEO 3M Company 2501 Hudson Rd, Maplewood, MN 55144, United States

Social Contacts

LinkedIn 3M Company


Facebook3M Company



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